This historical fiction mystery book has an incredibly strong plot and even better setting. The story follows the physician Matthew Bartholemew who lives in a monastery. Throughout the novel we see Matthew develop as he faces a number of challenges including a supposed suicide, a murder and the outbreak of the plague.
It was an addictive read and I couldn't put it down. It was fueled with suspense, tension and atmosphere. My only criticism is some of the character development, particularly in relation to the way the romance grew. I felt it was contrived at points and the women in the relationship is poorly written comparatively to the rest of the novel. Gregory seems to have used her love interest as a plot device and has not taken the time to flesh out her character. However, this is the first in a series so it is possible this romance will strengthen as the story continues. Ultimately, I loved Matthew as a character which is the most important element, as the story revolves around him.
This is the second time I have entered into the genre of mystery historical fiction. Initially, I read CJ Sansom's Shardlake series. His books are undeniably stronger. So if you wanted to have an introduction to the genre, I would recommend Sansom over Gregory. For those who have already read this genre, Gregory holds her own and is definitely worth a read!